Logo for Simoniz GlassCoat

GlassCoat Lifetime Renewal

Lifetime Warranty Registration: Within 180 days of the 10 year anniversary of the Applied Date shown on this WARRANTY and every 5 years thereafter (within 180 days), you are required to log on to www.getsimoniz.com to confirm that you still own the vehicle. If you are unable to log on to the website, you may submit your confirmation by certified mail to the following address: SIMONIZ® VISTA MARKETS DIVISION, LLC. 235 Dividend Road, Rockyhill, CT 06067.

Please tell us about yourself: (* denotes required fields)

Name *
Warranty Number *
Address *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Email *

Vehicle Information

Year *
Make *
Model *
Original Applied Date *